If you’re not sure whether running your own business is right for you, you can join our free 7 week incubator, designed to look at all options and help you make that decision. It’s run by The Verve Foundation; head here to find out more.
We will support you and your direct authorisation journey from the very first conception of your business idea through to popping the celebratory fizz when you get your Minded to Authorise from the FCA! From supporting you with your business plan, through to coaching you through FCA interviews, we’re there with you every step of the way. We know you’ll have loads of questions; download our guide below to help begin to answer some of them.
We’ll begin by helping you review your business plan, assess your existing skills and knowledge and whether we think there are any gaps that the FCA will want addressing. We’ll give you our honest opinion on the likelihood of success of the application and help you consider alternative options if that’s low. If the application goes ahead, we’ll help with any questions that are raised as well as supporting you through interviews and helping you prefer yourself for the moment your business gets to go live!
Discovering whether direct authorisation is right for you, right now.
Submitting your application and liaising with the FCA on any queries.
Creating your business plan and client proposition.
Developing a robust internal framework, to ensure the new business hits the ground running.
If you’re wondering exactly what the direct authorisation journey entails, grab a copy of our guide to find out more. Or if you are ready to go, book a chat with one of the team who will help you get started!
Structured 12 or 7 week programmes, including business consultancy & regulatory guidance.
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